Meeting Posters
June 10 - 12, 2013 (Monday - Wednesday)
1.Steven Boada, Texas A&M University
Galaxy Assembly at Redshift Two Through Internal Colors in CANDELS
2.Rolando M. Branly, Broward College
Community Collaborations and Undergraduate Astronomy Research Projects
3.Gabor Furesz, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
G-CLEF: frist light instrument - first light science
4.Jeong-Sun Hwang, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Simulations of galaxy-galaxy interactions including hot and cold gas
5.Minjin Kim, Carnegie Observatories/KASI
AGN-driven outflow in Young Radio Quasars
6.Young-Lo Kim, Yonsei University
The Evolution-Free and Dust-Free Dark Energy Test with Type Ia Supernovae in the GMT Era
7.Benjamin L'Huillier, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
The rate and type of halo interactions
8.Timothy M. Lawlor, Penn State University - Brandywine
Evolution and Supernova Lightcurves for Early Universe Stars
9.Ting Li, Texas A&M University
GMACS Exposure Time Calculator
10.Daniel C Masters, University of California, Riverside / Carnegie Observatories
Near-IR Spectroscopy with Magellan FIRE of Starbursting Galaxies at 1.3 < z < 2.3 selected from the WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallels (WISP) Survey
11.Roberto Puddu, ''Sapienza'' University of Rome, University of Siena (Italy)
New Frontiers for Cosmology
12.Brett Salmon, Texas A&M University
High Redshift 3.5 < z < 6.5 Galaxy Evolution with CANDELS and GMT
13.Heath Shipley, Texas A & M University
Spitzer Spectroscopy of Infrared-Luminous Galaxies: Diagnostics of AGN and Star Formation and Contribution to Total Infrared Luminosity
14.Laura Trouille, Northwestern University and The Adler Planetarium
AGN Science with the LSST
15.Yu-Zhong Wu, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The nuture of BPT diagrams in star-forming galaxies