The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) at the University of Chicago is hosting a workshop this summer on inflationary theory. The goal is to gather a small group of researchers working in inflationary cosmology for several days of informal presentations and discussion relating to the status of theories of the inflationary universe. Topics of particular focus are model building, challenges for inflationary theories, connections to fundamental physics, and prospects for refining our understanding with future datasets. This meeting is a satellite conference of COSMO 2014. The meeting will be complementary to the COSMO conference in that it will be small, informal, and relatively narrow in scope.

Invited Speakers
Raphael Bousso
University of California, Berkeley
Robert Brandenberger
McGill University
Cora Dvorkin
Institute for Advanced Study
Richard Easther
University of Auckland
Raphael Flauger
Institute for Advanced Study
Daniel Green
Rich Holman
Carnegie Mellon
Anna Ijjas
Princeton University
Justin Khoury
University of Pennsylvania
Will Kinney
SUNY, Buffalo
Matt Kleban
New York University
Albion Lawrence
Brandeis University
Eugene Lim
King's College London
Emil Martinec
University of Chicago
Liam McAllister
Cornell University
Hiranya Peiris
University College London
Leonardo Senatore
Stanford University
Eva Silverstein
Stanford University
Paul Steinhardt
Princeton University
Mark Trodden
University of Pennsylvania

Organizing Committee
Peter Adshead
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wayne Hu
University of Chicago
Austin Joyce
University of Chicago
Marilena LoVerde
University of Chicago
Emil Martinec
University of Chicago

Online Materials