- Monojet searches for dark matter
- Mono-photon, mono-Z, mono-b, and other signatures
- Effective field theory constraints
- Theoretical improvements in calculations
The workshop will be held on the University of Chicago campus. The location is Stuart 101 on Thursday and Friday, and Kent Hall on Saturday.
We plan to start the workshop Thursday morning at 9:00am and conclude around 12pm on Saturday. Breakfast will be provided every morning, and lunch will be provided on Saturday.
Organizing Committee
Rocky Kolb University of Chicago | Tongyan Lin Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics | Sarah Malik Rockefeller |
Bjoern Penning Fermilab/Chicago | Lian-Tao Wang Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics | Steven Worm Rutherford/CERN |
Online Materials
- Workshop Materials (List of participants, program, abstracts) [PDF]
- List of Participants [PDF]
- Program [PDF]
- Abstracts [PDF]