Contributions from outside CARMA member institutions are welcome. Graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to submit a presentation.
Invited Speakers
Bradford Benson University of Chicago | Adam Leroy NRAO | Lee Mundy University of Maryland |
Laura Perez NRAO |
Scientific Organizing Committee
Manuel Fernandez Lopez University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | David Fisher University of Maryland | Chat Hull University of California, Berkeley |
Luca Ricci California Institute of Technology | Andreas Schruba California Institute of Technology |
Local Organizing Committee
Aimee Giles Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics | Megan Gralla Johns Hopkins University | Christopher Greer University of Arizona |
Adam Mantz University of Chicago | Helen Pates Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics | Valerie Smith University of Chicago |
Online Materials
- Symposium Materials [PDF] (List of participants, Program, Presentation abstracts)
- Program [PDF]
- Presentation Abstracts [PDF]
- List of Participants [PDF]
- Symposium Poster [TIF, 13MB | JPG, 0.9MB]