Who: Graduate students in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology & physics

  1. Rachel Cane (University of Pennsylvania) Zooniverse Activity Design
  2. Ross Cawthon (University of Chicago) WorldWide Telescope
  3. Jesse Feddersen (Yale University) Zooniverse Activity Design
  4. Shane F. N. Frewen (University of California, Los Angeles) KICP Space Explorers
  5. Korey Haynes (George Mason University) KICP Space Explorers
  6. Katherine Kaufman (California Institute of Technology) Astronomy Conversations
  7. Aaron T. Lee (University of California Berkeley) WorldWide Telescope
  8. Meagan B Morscher (Northwestern University) Zooniverse Project Design
  9. Andrew W Nadolski (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Astronomy Conversations
  10. Elisabeth R Newton (Harvard) Astronomy Conversations
  11. Amber Porter (Clemson University) Astronomy Conversations
  12. Radha Ramachandran (University of Chicago) WorldWide Telescope
  13. Gayle Ratliff (Illinois Institute of Technology/Adler Planetarium) KICP Space Explorers
  14. Sarah J Reynolds (Indiana University - Bloomington) WorldWide Telescope
  15. Carl L Rodriguez (Northwestern University) Zooniverse Project Design
  16. Bryan A Terrazas (University of Michigan) KICP Space Explorers
  17. Rachel L Ward-Maxwell (McMaster University) Astronomy Conversations