OVERVIEW KICP 10th Year Reunion Thursday June 17, 2010
10 AM - 9 PM
The University of Chicago
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
933 East 56th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

We are inviting our Alumni and their families back to KICP to reconnect with our colleagues and collaborators for a day of science, camaraderie and fun.

The LASR conference room is available for informal discussion all day. Please plan to spend some time with our visitors during the day.
We will provide box lunches at noon in the LASR conference room.

The picnic will be at Promontory point:
  • 4PM | Activities, softball, volleyball, frisbees...
  • 5PM | Taxi transportation will leave LASR for the Point.
  • 6PM | Picnic (food) starts at the Promontory Point Field House.
  • 9PM | Taxi tranasportation for returning to campus.
Directions on how to reach Promontory point are available in the LASR conference room. It is a pleasant a 1.5 mile walk from LASR (Map).

We hope you and your family will join us!