July 8 - 11, 2024

July 8, 2024 - Monday
8:15 AMBreakfast
 Morning sessionChairs: Mia de los Reyes and Alex Drlica-Wagner
9:00 AMSOC/LOC (Alex Ji): Introduction + Logistics
9:15 AMKristen McQuinn, STScI; Rutgers University
The Observational Frontiers for Low-Mass Galaxies
9:45 AMMichael Jones, University of Arizona
Building a statistical sample of extremely low mass galaxies [PDF, 1.23 MB]
10:05 AMDan Weisz, UC Berkeley
The Low-Mass Galaxy Frontier with the UltraViolet Explorer [PDF, 17.39 MB]
10:25 AMDiscussion
10:45 AMCoffee
11:15 AMPoster Flash Talks 1
11:50 AMPosters / Lunch
 Afternoon session 1Chairs: Shany Danieli and Katya Gozman
1:30 PMJeff Carlin, AURA/Rubin Observatory
Revealing satellites and streams in the Local Volume with LSST [PDF, 8.85 MB]
2:00 PMTjitske Starkenburg, Northwestern University
Globular cluster stellar streams beyond the Milky Way [PDF, 10.41 MB]
2:20 PMZili Shen, Yale University
Nearby ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Dragonfly Ultrawide Survey [PDF, 16.19 MB]
2:40 PMDiscussion
3:00 PMCoffee / Posters
 Afternoon session 2Chairs: Scott Carlsten and Charlotte Olsen
3:30 PMJosh Simon, Carnegie Observatories
Spectroscopic Frontiers and Observational Challenges in Studying Dwarf Galaxies [PDF, 18.49 MB]
4:00 PMAlessandro Savino, U.C. Berkeley
The Star Formation History of the M31 Satellite System [PDF, 11.99 MB]
4:20 PMDavid Sand, University of Arizona
Quenched Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxies in the Field and Low-Density Environments [PDF, 5.9 MB]
4:40 PMDiscussion
5:00 PM - 7:00 PMAdjourn to reception / poster session
 Amandine Doliva-Dolinsky, University of Tampa; Dartmouth College
Satellites of dwarf galaxies with the MADCASH survey
 Kai Herron, Dartmouth College
Exploring the Dark Side: Uncovering low-surface brightness galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey [PDF, 2.12 MB]
 Chin Yi Tan, University of Chicago
Constraints of Mixed Warm Dark Matter from Milky Way Satellite Galaxies
 Qing Liu, University of Toronto
Tackling Systematics in Deep Wide-field Imaging Surveys
 Peter Ferguson, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Harnessing Synthetic Source Injection to explore the Local Volume in the LSST Era
 Catherine Fielder, University of Arizona
Confirmation of Stellar Halos Built by Accretion at the Dwarf Galaxy Scale [PDF, 4.95 MB]
 Laura Hunter, Dartmouth College
Satellite Galaxy Candidates Around Low-Mass Hosts [PDF, 1.19 MB]
 Nondh Panithanpaisal, Carnegie Observatories & Caltech
A Slingshot Effect: The Origin of Backsplash Galaxies Around Milky Way-mass Hosts in FIRE
 Jiaxuan Li Li, Princeton University
Hedgehog: An Isolated Quiescent Dwarf Galaxy at 2.4 Mpc [PDF, 4.59 MB]
 Scott Carlsten, Princeton University
Dwarf Satellites Beyond the Milky Way with the ELVES Survey
 Pierre Thibodeaux, University of Chicago
Simulating Dwarf Galaxy Stellar Kinematic Measurements
 Katya Gozman, University of Michigan
Exposing the diversity of ultra-faint satellites in the M81 group [PDF, 4.26 MB]
 Vaishnav Venugopal Rao, University of Michigan, Department of Astronomy
Finding Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies in M81's Stellar Halo
 Sebastian Monzon, Yale University
Constraining the Stellar Halo Mass Relation with Surveys of Satellite Galaxies [PDF, 1.01 MB]
 Clayton Robertson, University of Louisville
Ground- and Space-Based Dust Observations of VV,191 Overlapping Galaxy Pair [PDF, 9.59 MB]
 Tehreem Hai, Rutgers University
Possibly Quenched Low-mass Galaxy in the Field [PDF, 1.97 MB]
 Tim Miller, CIERA
Directly Measuring Distances of Dwarf Galaxies from Multi-Band Images with Simulation Based Inference
 Pradyumna Sadhu, University of California, Riverside
Probing the Faint Universe with Vera Rubin Observatory: the satellite mass function of Virgo-like clusters in LCDM from ultrafaint dwarfs to giant ellipticals [PDF, 4.35 MB]

July 9, 2024 - Tuesday
8:15 AMBreakfast
 Morning sessionChairs: Anirudh Chiti and Catherine Fielder
9:00 AMMike Boylan-Kolchin, University of Texas Austin
Galaxy Formation Physics Revealed by Faint Stellar Systems Near and Far [PDF, 5.18 MB]
9:30 AMBurcin Mutlu-Pakdil, Dartmouth College
The Faint Satellite System of NGC 253: Insights into Low-Density Environments
9:50 AMSergey Koposov, University of Edinburgh
Unravelling the mass spectrum of destroyed dwarf galaxies with the metallicity distribution function [PDF, 0.88 MB]
10:10 AMDiscussion
10:30 AMCoffee
11:00 AMPoster Flash Talks 2
11:30 AMKristen McQuinn, STScI; Rutgers University
on Roman
11:50 AMConference Photo, Posters / Lunch
 Afternoon session 1Chair: Richie Wang and Erik Tollerud
1:30 PMJenny Greene, Princeton University
Observational frontiers in dwarf galaxies beyond the Local Group [PDF, 76.03 MB]
2:00 PMMarla Geha, Yale
The SAGA Survey: A Census of 101 Satellite Systems around Milky Way-like Galaxies [PDF, 29.31 MB]
2:20 PMYifei Luo, University of California Santa Cruz
The Merian Survey: Characterizing dark matter and feedback in star-forming dwarf galaxies with medium-band filters on DECam [PDF, 46.3 MB]
2:40 PMDiscussion
3:00 PMCoffee / Posters
 Afternoon session 2Chairs: Andrey Kravtsov and Bill Chen
3:30 PMThales Gutcke, IfA, Hawaii
LYRA: Simulating dwarf galaxies that form globular clusters and are tested in self-interacting dark matter
4:00 PMSal Fu, UC Berkeley
Detailed Views Into the Baryon Cycle of Dwarf Galaxies from HST Narrowband Imaging [PDF, 19.8 MB]
4:20 PMErin Kado-Fong, Yale
Employing Dwarf Galaxies to Assess Star Formation Regulation on Galactic Scales [PDF, 16.38 MB]
4:40 PMDiscussion
5:00 PMPoster Session
 Charlotte Olsen, CUNY City Tech
Discovering the Coevolution of Galaxies and the Multiscale Cosmic Web with Dwarf Galaxy Star Formation Histories in LSST [PDF, 9.07 MB]
 Francisco J. Mercado, Pomona College
Characterizing environmental effects on galactic sizes in FIREbox
 Kristin Chiboucas, Gemini Observatory/NSF NOIRLab
Star clusters or stripped galaxies, the UCD population in the Coma Cluster
 Alice Luna, University of Chicago
Metallicity Distribution Function of the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Reticulum II
 Erik Tollerud, Space Telescope Science Institute
COS-SAGA: A 3-sightline Probe of a Local Group Analog's CGM
 Katherine Sharpe, University of California, Berkeley
The First Alpha Abundances in Isolated Dwarf Galaxies Using JWST Spectroscopy [PDF, 27.63 MB]
 Claire Riggs, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Using Cosmological Simulations to Explore the Stellar Age Gradients of Dwarf Galaxies [PDF, 3.08 MB]
 Yunchong (Richie) Wang, Stanford University
Towards a Unified Model of Dwarf Galaxy Formation and Evolution with UniverseMachine [PDF, 1.44 MB]
 Joseph Breneman, Rutgers University
Exploring the Chemical Evolution Pathways of the Extremely Metal-poor Dwarf Galaxy Leonessa [PDF, 1.32 MB]
 Katy Rodriguez Wimberly, Cal State San Bernardino
Chemical Abundances in our UFDs: Hydrus I and Willman 1 [PDF, 1.34 MB]
 Dilys Ruan, Rutgers University
The Baryonic Tully Fisher Relationship in Simulated Dwarf Galaxies [PDF, 1.93 MB]
 Mia de los Reyes, Amherst College
Stellar Mass Calibrations in Low-Mass Galaxies [PDF, 1.02 MB]
 Yue Pan, Princeton University
Quenching in dwarf galaxies [PDF, 1.32 MB]
 Ava Polzin, The University of Chicago
Star formation in low-metallicity dwarf galaxies [PDF, 2.7 MB]
 Eric Zhang, University of California, Riverside
Bursty Star Formation in Dwarfs is Sensitive to Numerical Choices in Supernova Feedback Models
 Joy Bhattacharyya, Ohio State University
Field Dwarf Galaxies: how isolation shapes their properties in TNG50 [PDF, 1.58 MB]
 Yimeng Tang, University of California, Santa Cruz
Observational constraints on the formation of dark-matter deficient galaxies from morphologies, stellar populations and globular clusters [PDF, 2.05 MB]

July 10, 2024 - Wednesday
8:15 AMBreakfast
 Morning sessionChairs: Dan Zucker and Sam Usman
9:00 AMWilliam Cerny, Yale University
Understanding the Milky Way's Least Luminous Compact Satellites
9:30 AMSimon Smith, University of Victoria
Ursa Major III/UNIONS 1, the faintest known satellite of the Milky Way [PDF, 20.16 MB]
9:50 AMRaphael Errani, Carnegie Mellon University
How Micro Galaxies could help constrain the properties of dark matter [PDF, 2.22 MB]
10:10 AMDiscussion
10:30 AMCoffee / Posters
11:00 AMPoster Flash Talks 3
11:30 AMPeter Ferguson: LSST Overview
11:30 AMPeter Ferguson, University of Wisconsin - Madison
LSST Overview [PDF, 4.52 MB]
11:50 AMPosters / Lunch
 Afternoon session 1Chairs: Nora Shipp and Peter Ferguson
1:30 PMAna Bonaca, Carnegie Observatories
Streams [PDF, 34.02 MB]
2:00 PMJacob Nibauer, Princeton University
Modeling the Response of Stellar Streams to Substructure with Differentiable Simulations [PDF, 16.88 MB]
2:20 PMTing Li, University of Toronto
Boundary between Dwarf Galaxies and Star Clusters [PDF, 40.93 MB]
2:40 PMDiscussion
3:00 PMCoffee / Posters
 Afternoon session 2Chairs: Katy Rodriguez Wimberly and Nondh Panithanpaisal
3:30 PMAndrew Pace, Carnegie Mellon University
4:00 PMKathy Vivas, NOIRLab
Is Crater II disrupting? [PDF, 11.46 MB]
4:20 PMAdriana Dropulic, Princeton University
StreamGen: Connecting Semi-analytic Tidal Debris to Dark Matter Halos [PDF, 6.65 MB]
4:40 PMDiscussion
5:00 PMPoster Session
 Christian Aganze, Stanford University
Mapping the Cocytos Stream with DESI: Insights into its Galactic Origin and Connection with Gaia-Enceladus [PDF, 10.91 MB]
 Mariano Javier de Le Dominguez Romero, IATE-OAc-UNC
A study of gravitational wakes by satellite galaxies in the MW halo with Gaia DR3 [PDF, 2.96 MB]
 Samantha Usman, UChicago
The Relationship Between Mass and Multiple Populations in Globular Clusters and Their Streams
 Jose Benavides, University of California - Riverside
The inefficient star formation in Ultra-diffuse galaxies and their stellar populations
 Aldo Mura Guzmán, Macquarie University / S5 Collaboration
High-Resolution IR Spectroscopy in Sagittarius Stream Stars [PDF, 4.17 MB]
 Clara Martinez-Vazquez, Gemini Observatory/NSF NOIRLab
The Ancient History of the Local Group told by RR Lyrae Stars
 Daisy Bissonette, University of Chicago
The Metallicity Distribution of the Primitive Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Segue 1 [PDF, 0.92 MB]
 Benjamin Cohen, University of Chicago
Sifting for a Stream: An Analysis of the Morphology of the 300S Stellar Stream [PDF, 3.84 MB]
 Xiaowei Ou, MIT
Signatures of tidal disruption of the Hercules ultra-faint dwarf galaxy [PDF, 0.78 MB]
 Zijing Xue, University of Southern California, Carnegie Observatories
Probing substructures of the Jet stream with deep u-band photometry [PDF, 13.92 MB]
 Abby Mintz, Princeton University
Morphology of Hα emission in bright dwarfs using the first Merian Survey data release [PDF, 7.06 MB]
 Yingtian "Bill" Chen, University of Michigan
Unveiling galaxy assembly with star clusters [PDF, 3.8 MB]
 Kaitlin Webber, Texas A&M University
Abundance Analysis of the Turranburra and WillkaYaku Stellar Streams
 Brian Cook, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Faint Substructure Candidate Identification with Galactic Standard Candles in Wide-Field Survey Data [PDF, 0.31 MB]
 Julio Carballo-Bello, Universidad de Tarapacá
Exploring the hierarchical formation of the Milky Way with hypervelocity stars

July 11, 2024 - Thursday
8:15 AMBreakfast
9:00 AMMorning Session: project coordination and hack time
12:00 PMLunch
12:15 PMOptional Lunchtime Checkin
 Afternoon: hack time and final check in
3:00 PMCoffee
4:00 PMReconvene for hack day summary